Congratulations on finding your student accommodation. Now it’s time to secure it with just a few simple steps.
1. Complete the below application form below ensuring ALL tenants and their guarantor details are included. To add additional tenants, please click on the ‘add tenant’ link at the bottom of the application and keep doing this for the number of applicants.
2. A £100 per person non-refundable holding deposit is required and is payable immediately (eg Six Students = £100 x 6 = £600) It is to be made in ONE transaction and MUST have the correct reference (see below).
Payment Details
Account Name ~ Alexander Hudson Estates Ltd
Account Number ~ 53699927
Account Sort Code ~ 20-59-43
Reference ~ Door number and street name of chosen property
3. Contact us on 0191 268 7433 or lettings@alexanderhudson.co.uk once completed.
Please note, until ALL application forms & full holding deposit have been returned, the property will remain on the market and will not be reserved.
Important information to note…
- The holding deposit is non-refundable and is allocated against the total damage deposit which is equal to the value of one months rent and is payable upon receiving the tenancy agreement.
- The tenancy commencement if from Summer 2025, approximate start dates can be found within the main advertisement particulars or by speaking to a member of the team.
- Rent is paid in ten condensed instalments commencing on the first day of the tenancy. Should you not be able to provide a suitable Guarantor, you may be required to pay rent upfront or in further condensed instalments.
- The above mentioned lead tenant has been nominated to act as primary point of contact.
- Alexander Hudson Estates Ltd may not manage the property and act as finding agents only.